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Name: Recreant

Genre: Stealth
Artstyle: Stylised Sci-Fi

Engine: Unity

My Role: Level Designer/General Design

Recreant was a product of the teams love for stealth games, that were popular in the early 2000's. Games like Splintercell that largely defined the genre at the time, and even older ones like the original thief games really sparked our interest in this project. While doing research into all of these stealth games, I began seeing similarities in each iteration and I discovered that in each game, players have access to key items and abilities to effect the state of the game. In Splintercell, the player is given loadouts of loud or quiet gear, which would facilitate their personal taste in the gameplay. Taking this into account, I began designing different gadgets for the player, which would assist them to overcome obstacles put in their way.

Below is a trailer that will give you a better understanding of the project

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